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Deluxe Union Officers Kepi

UNION Officer's Kepi
Union Infantry Officer Blue

this product has moved
7 - 7-1/8
Large: 7-3/8 - 7-1/2
X large: 7-5/8 - 7-3/4
Material: Deluxe braid on wool cloth, leather visor, brass buttons,silk lining.

Civil War Deluxe Union Officers Kepi

Worn by soldiers on both sides, the "kepi" or "forage cap" has become one of the most enduring symbols of the conflict.

The Forage Cap was the standard issue cap or "bummer" first adopted by the U.S.Army in 1858. Inspired by the headgear of the French Army, the forage cap went on to become the most identifiable symbol of the Union and Confederate soldier during the Civil War.

This deluxe Officer's Kepi is ornately detailed with deluxe braid on Union Blue wool cloth. The visor is made of leather, and is accented with brass buttons. This beautiful replica Union Infantry Officer's Kepi is also lined in silk and is available in 3 sizes (Medium, Large, and Extra Large).

Deluxe Union Officers Kepi