WOODEN PRACTICE SWORD - "Narsil" M70061 CHINA Designed for light contact with other wooden swords. Safely practice your fighting stances, forms and motions with your comrades. Also makes a wonderful gift for a young fantasy and history lover who is not quite ready for a steel Narsil Sword. This full-size wooden practice sword has been constructed of precise fitting wood pieces. A blood groove runs down the center of the blade and the tip of the sword has been rounded off for safety. Resembling the famous king's sword, the hilt has the design of a classic Long Sword. The two-handed grip is painted black resemblind a leather wrap to the long extended pommel. (Colors and grain of the woods will naturally vary)
• Solid Hardwood Construction
• Rounded Safety Tip
• Overall Length: 46 "
• Handle Length: 8.46 "
• Blade Length: 35.4 "
• Total Weight: 14.46 oz (specs may vary slightly from piece to piece)
After correctly learning to march, one of the most important aspects of a medieval soldier's training was learning to handle the sword. Practice began with heavy wicker shields and wooden swords. Soldiers were at first drilled on how to use the weapons, often fighting large wooden poles set in the ground, later moving up to fighting each other with the practice swords. Although training varied widely by nation and region, sword training generally emphasized stabbing, slashing, offensive and defensive posturing. Army tactics emphasized discipline, uniformity and repetitive training. When in battle, the individual soldier used his training to stab at exposed body parts, slash at eyes or legs unprotected by armour, or to block incoming strikes with shield or sword.