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List Price: $
(RARE Item In Stock!)
Collector Price: $649.90

The Warrior Series are powerful Battle Ready Blades of various lengths and weight for any preference or application. All designed to Cold Steel strict standards, tolerance, and quality.
...but at an affordable price!

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The Japanese swords of the Emperor Series have proven, since their initial introduction almost five years ago, to be quite popular with many of our customers. Still, Cold Steel was aware that there are some people who want a battle ready sword but hope to find one at a more affordable price. The Warrior Series addresses this problem directly. In Cold Steel's efforts to reduce the costliness of the blades, they have omitted the expensive mirror polishing that is used on our Emperor Swords to create a new Warrior series of Japanese swords with a more practical finish.

The Warrior Series swords are very handsome in their own right and share the same steel, heat treatment, and sharpness as their more expensive Emperor counterparts. Like the Emperor swords, they have Samé covered, cord wrapped handles and quality fittings. The Cold Steel Warrior Series features a sharpened 1050 spring steel blade with bo-hi groove for quickness without sacrificing strength.

If you're in the market for a strong, good looking, reasonably priced Japanese sword we know you'll be happy to own one of these. All come complete with a BLACK LACQUERED SCABBARD and a BLUE/VIOLET COVER BAG.


Blade Length: 36"
Overall Length: 49"
Blade Steel: 1055 Carbon
Point of Balance: 7 3/4"
Weight: 48 oz
Scabbard: Black Lacquered Wood
Handle: 13"
Samé (Ray Skin) Handle w/ Black Braid & Brass Menuki

Specs will vary slightly from piece to piece

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Cold Steel Warrior Series O Katana 88BOK

*WARNING: Contents May Be Too Extreme For Some Viewers.

Warrior Series : 88BOK O Katana

Cold Steel demonstrates the toughness of their blades in rugged field testing of various types of targets, many of which intended to show extreme conditions and not reflect normal use of the product being demonstrated. The type of cutting shown in these videos should never be attempted by those who do not have professional training in handling a sword, sharp weapon or cutting instrument.

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